Sciatica FAQs

For people that are currently suffering from acute, sharp back pain that continues to occur, it can seem as if there's no end in sight or viable treatment. What could be causing sudden bouts of sharp back pain, and is there anything you can do to help address this type of pain? There is help available when you visit our chiropractor. Our chiropractor will be able to inform you if your sharp back pain is being caused by sciatica, and give you the best treatment options to ensure your sciatica does not return.


At Lambert Chiropractic Health Centre, we help our clients living in Mississauga, ON, get the care they need to find relief from back pain, sciatica, and other types of physical ailments.

What Causes Sciatica?

Sciatica is a condition caused by the compression of the sciatic nerve that runs from the lower back and down the back of each leg. Sciatica has a wide range of causes. Symptoms of sciatica commonly include:

  • Weakness
  • Sharp pain down the side of the legs and lower back
  • Numbness and tingling in the lower extremities
  • Pain that occurs suddenly and continues to flare up when sitting, standing, or twisting

How Does a Chiropractor Treat Sciatica?

Our chiropractor will determine if your pain is truly caused by sciatica or another physical ailment, such as compression of the spinal canal. If your pain is being caused by sciatica, we can treat your condition with chiropractic techniques. This is a type of treatment that is designed to gently remove pressure from nerves branching off the spine, including the sciatic nerve, feeling relief almost immediately. 

Does Sciatica Have a Cure?

While there is no guarantee that your sciatica will never return again, visiting a chiropractor can help reduce your chances of flare-ups and reduce the time spent in your existing flare-up. For instance, you might have a flare-up that lasts 1 week normally, but with the help of chiropractic care can reduce it to only two or three days maximum.

Our chiropractor will answer more specific questions on your recovery timeline from sciatica.

Find Sciatica Treatment at Lambert Chiropractic Health Centre

At Lambert Chiropractic Health Centre, we can help lower the chances of your sciatica returning and treat your existing sciatica so you can begin to live pain free again! Call today to get help!


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